Monday, December 3, 2012

New shears!

So this whole Blogging thing is very new to me, please be nice!

In the hairdressing world your shears are the most important tool you can have. Being a lefty I have had tried many types of shears throughout the years and have finally found some that I like. Last year at the Galveston TX hair show I purchased my first pair of Sharkfin shears and have really enjoyed them. Recently I decided it was time to upgrade to some "big girl" shears. So last week I purchased them online and they came in the mail in only 3 days! Today was my first day cutting hair with new 7 inch shears, I am happy to report that not only did I make it through the day without chopping my finger off, I got away with not even a scratch. Score! This did take a little extra caution which my clients found extra entertaining.

Here is a link to the Sharkfin website, if you are new to cutting hair or a lefty like me, I would definitely check them out.

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